Elisa Putti, NSMIF/g – Finland
I am a self-taught hobbyist photographer from Hämeenlinna, southern Finland. I’ve been interested in photos from the day my father brought home Life magazine in the early 60s. It was a photography edition. I can still remember those pictures. In my eyes, they were simply amazing, and it was love at first sight. I didn’t have a camera those days and could not afford any of course – I was just a kid then. In the early 90s, I got my first serious film camera and then later a digital version. I’m on that way, and no end has been seen so far.
My main interest as a photographer is in all possible things around me; photos are my way of life. After retiring from my daily job, I have enough time to do what I love most and carry my camera everywhere. Some people think it’s annoying, but I don’t care. I will continue that way!
I got my AFIAP at the time before digital equipment. Now I have received EFIAP/s. I’m a bit lazy participating in exhibitions. But I have all the time in this world so why should I rush?
In addition to exhibitions, I’m selling pictures at international photo stocks like AdobeStock, Alamy, Dreamstime, etc. Getting photos for sale from different agencies takes a lot of effort and time. So my days are full of photo work – shooting, photoshopping, tagging, describing, uploading etc. It’s more like a profession right now.
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