Jon Knutsen, NSMIF/p – Norway
Born 1960 in Sandefjord, and influenced by my father, who also was a passionate hobby photographer, I got my first camera at the age of 14.
I took a long break from photography at the age of 30 until I picked it up again 5 years ago… and this time in the digital format.
Since then, I became totally hooked and most of my spare time and vacations goes toward this fantastic hobby.
Nature and wildlife have been my sweet spots, but over the past couple of years, I have invested more and more time into portraiture, people and model photography. The more I work in both these genres the more I feel that what I learn in composing with light, models and locations the better I become in nature and wildlife photography …. and vice versa.
I started to submit my works in competitions 3 years ago and I find it always interesting to try to understand what catches the eyes of a jury.
Photography is an endless journey and one of those hobbies where you always can find new inspirations and something to learn.
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